Ceramics | Sculpture | Jewellery | Garden Ware | Mosaic | Piano Pieces

Gallery2Sun Exhibit Change

Birdbath 2019

The showing of my work
at Gallery2Sun has been cancelled

A new show will be announced soon.

Please watch this space for further details.

Su Washington is an internationally known clay artist, with many exhibitions and shows around the world including the United States. Her work is an adventurous amalgamation of ceramic, metals and found objects, with sizes ranging from sophisticated jewellery, garden art, to a 7’6” ceremonial arch.

Su also founded The Washington Foundation UK to maintain the legacy of her late husband, Robert J Washington, and his father William Washington. Bob Washington’s work resides at the Victoria & Albert Museum in London, at the Tucson Museum of Art in Arizona, and is featured in every major British public collection.

Su‘s new work is available for sale and on commission.